I had a ThetaHealing® session with Nicole. I had been divorced from my husband for over a year but I was still carrying so much resentment towards him and anger inside I couldn’t even move on to date other people. If I saw him out and about, I would go into a rage inside. The original session was scheduled to do the Soul Fragment Release …. For my ex-husband. But after talking to Nicole, we determined (and confirmed through muscle testing) that I first needed to do this healing over the relationship with my father. He and I are very close now, but growing up, it was a very volatile relationship. After the healing session regarding my father, I immediately felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Later, we did the healing with my ex husband. I stopped thinking of him ALL THE TIME, which is what was happening the entire year. I even ran into him later and FELT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It was like knew he was my ex, and we had been together for over 10 years, but I didn’t feel ANY negative emotion. It was just a simple observation, ‘oh there is my ex’. Incredible!